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    FOSD Engineering - Structural Engineering

    The FOSD Engineering studio, born from an idea of ​​old fellow students, was established in 2006, and operates essentially in the field of structural seismic engineering. The components and collaborators of the firm have followed a training course of absolute prestige in the field of seismic engineering, in national and foreign organizations, specializing in particular in wooden structures.


    Engineering in wood

    Structural feasibility studies

    Structural Design


    Supervision and site assistance

    Integrated BIM design

    Innovation and eco-sustainability

    Seismic vulnerability studies

    Fall arrest systems design



    we have been present within the panorama of wooden constructions for more than 14 years


    Millions of Kg of CO2

    More than 70.000.000 kg of CO2 saved


    Thousand cubic meters

    more than 80.000 cubic meters of wood designed



    We have designed more than 1800 wooden structures this far

    Case History

    A selection of our latest works