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    Construction of an industrial building with microlamellar technology in Rimini

    Description of the intervention:

    The design intervention concerns the construction of a building used as an industrial building. The structural scheme is of the frame type, with laminated wood pillars and coupled beams in micro-laminated wood type BauBuche, with 4 mm thick lamellas. This is one of the first applications of this technology in Italy, and for this reason a load test of the structure was requested by the Works Management. The measured deformations confirmed the goodness of the modeling. Particular attention was paid to the coupled beam-pillar joint, of considerable static effort and unusual calculation difficulties.



    Location of intervention

    Rimini, Italy


    Wood, Microlamellar

    Construction technology

    Load-bearing frames with microlamellar beams

    Intended use


    Offered services

    Structural design - Construction site

    Construction company

    Protek Srl