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    Design of a single-family villa

    Descrizione dell’intervento:

    Design and supervision of the structural works of a building used as a residential building, to be built with platform frame technology, in the province of Pesaro. In this case we started from an existing underground structure, made of reinforced concrete about 25 years ago, above which the client intended to build the house. Obviously, the choice of materials fell on a wooden structure, due to its characteristics of lightness and versatility, and with minimal interventions on the existing it was possible to carry out the project. The building therefore develops over two floors above ground, with an adjoining loggia on two sides. There is also a pocket terrace on the first floor. Some peculiarities are the steel and glass furnishing staircase, of our conception, and the double crossed hut roof, designed to maximize the attic height in compliance with urban planning requirements.



    Location of intervention

    Pesaro (PU), Italy


    Wood - steel

    Platform frame

    Platform frame

    Intended use


    Construction company
