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    Executive building – offices

    Description of the intervention:

    Design and feasibility study for an office building, built with an earthquake-resistant structure consisting of rigid cores and partitions in reinforced concrete, which constitute the elevator and stair bodies, and a reticular structure composed of wooden pendular rods constituting the uprights and beams deck and roof. This structural system presupposes rigid diaphragms which in this case, given the considerable static commitment, have been imagined by means of a reinforced concrete slab of suitable thickness. This construction typology decouples the behavior of the materials according to their function; in particular, the horizontal forces (wind and earthquake) are substantially entrusted to the reinforced concrete structures, and the vertical loads to the wooden structures.



    Location of intervention

    Torino (TO), Italy


    Wood - Reinforced concrete

    Construction technology

    Reinforced concrete cores, wooden frame

    Intended use

    Directional - offices

    Construction company

    Canducci Holzservice