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    Microlamellar shed

    Description of the intervention: The intervention under study concerns the construction of a wooden building to be used as agricultural storage consisting of a main shed and an adjacent porch.

    The building will be built with a wooden load-bearing structure, specifically the type of beams and pillars embedded at the base will be used as regards the porch while the shed will be built through a structure with braced portals at the roof level by wooden bracing and at the level of wall using XLAM panels.

    The intervention is distinguished by the choice of using beech laminated veneer for the construction of the main and secondary framework of the shed.

    Finally, the foundation will be built with reinforced concrete plinths. Below all the pillars of the portico and of the shed connected to each other by curbs in reinforced concrete


    Location of intervention

    San Mauro Pascoli (FC)


    Reinforced concrete - Wood (Microlamellar)

    Construction technology

    Foundation plinths and curbs - Post & Beam - xlam

    Intended use


    Construction company

    ProTek Srl