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    Multi-storey elevation of an existing reinforced concrete building

    Description of the intervention:

    The design intervention concerns the raising of an existing building with a reinforced concrete structure. The challenge, in this case, is represented by carrying out a multi-storey elevation on a six-storey building. There are even four raised floors, and they have been designed with X-lam technology. The X-lam panels, of varying thickness depending on the static commitment, were used for both the walls and the decks. The walls of the wooden structure therefore rest on a grid of suitably sized steel beams, which in turn conveys the load onto the reinforced concrete pillars.



    Location of intervention

    Ascoli Piceno, Italy


    Wood, steel

    Construction technology


    Intended use


    Offered services

    Structural design - Construction site

    Construction company

    Gagliardini Srl