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    Residential in xlam and cellular glass

    Description of the intervention:

    The intervention concerns the construction of a residential building, consisting of a basement in reinforced concrete and an above-ground structure with two floors in wood, to be built in the town of San Mauro Pascoli, in the Province of Forlì-Cesena.

    The underground portion of the structure will be made of reinforced concrete, with retaining walls, beams and pillars which, together with a series of pillars inside the structure, will provide vertical support to the floor beams. The internal floor will be made within a lattice of thick beams and will be 25 cm thick.

    The wooden superstructure, on the other hand, will be built with XLAM walls in solid wood with crossed layers capable of providing both the bracing function to the horizontal actions and of supporting the static loads deriving from the floor and roof and unloading them on the ground. The roof and inter-floor slabs will also be made of wood, by means of beams resting on the XLAM walls and on the roof ridges.

    The intervention is distinguished by the choice of using cellular glass under the perimeter walls in xlam.


    Location of intervention

    San Mauro Pascoli (FC)



    Construction technology

    Underground partitions in reinforced concrete - Xlam

    Intended use


    Construction company

    ProTek Srl