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    School building design in Bari

    Description of the intervention:

    The intervention in question concerns the construction of the new school in the Municipality of Bitetto. The architectural project is by Studio Settanta7 in Turin, while the plant design by Studio Perillo. The structural design, which we have dealt with, concerns both the seabed and the elevated wooden part. The structure in elevation consists of X-lam panels as regards the structural walls, while the roof will be made of laminated wood beams.

    It will be a state-of-the-art facility in every respect, covering an area of ​​1550 square meters, LEED certified according to the strictest control protocols. With a view to sustainability and respect for the environment, 110 olive trees that occupy the construction site will be explanted and relocated, and 24 new ones will be planted.



    Location of intervention

    Bari, Italy


    Reinforced concrete – Wood

    Construction technology


    Intended use


    Offered services

    Structural Design